Sunday, July 29, 2018

This gets weird very quickly

Okay, so among the other surreal tasks on our plate right now is planning a "celebration of life" service for our Michael. So, okay, I'm still pondering just what music is right for this. I've had some good suggestions offered, but I'm still looking.

I mean, this is a pretty tricky challenge.

I want music that has some relevance to Michael's life, that will also be meaningful in some way to us and to others, but that won't be depressing, that won't be inappropriate for playing in church...and that I/we can stand to listen to.

So, this evening, I resorted to a Google search. "What song can I use for my son's funeral that won't be depressing."

Oh, the oddest things popped up at the top of the list of results.

#2 - Uplifting, happy funeral songs


No, seriously?

Yes, that is the name of the list. "Uplifting, happy funeral songs." That has to be one of the oddest things I've ever read. It just doesn'

And their list? Nope.

I mean, a couple are okay, and one is a tune I'd actually already thought of.

But, really?

They range from the slightly bizarre- "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" from Monty Python (which would probably have made Michael laugh heartily, but fails some of the other parameters)... to songs I definitely do not consider either "uplifting" or "happy"- more sentimental and slightly melancholy.

Then, there's the #1 result of my search, which is titled, "Best funeral songs to go out to."
This page is broken down into categories: sad songs, happy songs, funny songs, etc.

Their happy list does have one thing in common with the other one. Can you spot the similarity?
  • Always Look on the Bright Side of Life – Monty Python’s Life of Brian
  • Bring Me Sunshine – Morecambe and Wise
  • Don’t Worry. Be Happy – Bobby McFerrin
  • What a Wonderful World – Louis Armstrong
  • You Are the Sunshine of My Life – Stevie Wonder
Yes, this is the list of "happy funeral songs."

It did not take me long to figure out that both lists originated in the UK, which might explain the appearance of "Bright Side of Life" on both. Again, I do see the dark humor of it, but not all of the lyrics pass muster on the "can I play it in church?" list.

And really? "Don't worry, be happy"??? I mean, I want something uplifting, but that's just weird. It is, after all, no matter that we call it a "celebration of life," the honoring of the memory of someone who has died. I just can't see Don't Worry, Be Happy being what I want to hear on that day. Also, while I do like "What a Wonderful World," it's just does not fit the mood right now.

#3 on the results? "The 20 Most Upbeat Songs About Death." 

I am not kidding!!!!

Before I go look at #3, I must say that #5 actually scares me a little- "15 Songs You Should Play At Your Funeral."  Really??? Now, if the deceased jumps up and starts belting out tunes or playing DJ, that would be one funeral nobody would ever forget!!!

Okay, now what are the "20 Most Upbeat Songs About Death?" ....

List subtitle: "Just because the subject matter is sad doesn't mean you can't rock it out."
Frank Sinatra "I'm going to live until I die"
Cutting Crew "I just died in your arms tonight" they say- 80s Goth prom- how is this "upbeat"??!!!
Saves the Day "At Your Funeral"
Oingo Boingo "Dead Man's Party"

...this is a very, very bizarre list. I wonder how depressed a person would have to be, to find some of these upbeat.

Wow. This is such an odd list.

Everything from "Seasons in the Sun" to "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer."
Blue Oyster Cult to Hank Williams.
"My Darling Clementine" to Billy Joel and Ke$ha.
and the final offering...
"Another One Bites the Dust."  ....right.

...oh wait. There's one more.
"Send me to heaven in a Glad bag."

Thank you, and goodnight.

No, really. That's the last song title on the list.

Well, at least this search has not reduced me to tears! I have been mystified, confused, amused and even slightly alarmed, but not plunged into sadness.

This just confirms one of my life mottos: People are weird!!!

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