Thursday, December 20, 2018

My Christmas sweater...

I think that I need a Christmas sweater that just says...

 "Fragile. Handle with care."

In going through a box of office supplies today, I came across a gift tag from years ago, in Michael's writing.

"Merry Christmas Mom. Love, Michael."

So simple.

So blind-sided me with pain.

Life feels like a mine-field sometimes. I never know when I'll trip over something that will blow a fresh hole in my heart.


  1. I just found your blog tonite. I lost my 20 yr old son this past July 4th. I too know this pain. Your words pierce my heart. Only by the grace of God am I surviving this. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I am so sorry for your loss. My heart is with you. Christmas really raises the stakes on the pain, doesn't it? Only, only by the grace of God, we keep taking the next breath. <3 Praying for you as you walk this hard road. <3


Not dumb...sad

 It's easy to feel dumb when you're grieving. The first few days after my dad died on January 17th of this year, I had compassion on...